Choorn Products


Churna is coarse powder created by bound medication or combination of medicine. Ayurvedic medicines derived from plants, area unit prepared either in type or powers or decoctions. Before these plants square measure subjected to process they’re totally examined by specialists and correct identification is created. every of the ingredients square measure powdered singly because the totally different ingredients once powdered along don’t have the sieve equally that affects the composition.

Choorn Products List

•Ashvagandha Chorn

•Avilattikar Choorn

•Kapishthatak Choorn

•Jatiphaladi Vati

•Talisadi Choorn

•Narayan Choorn

•Panchskar Choorn

•Bilb Choorn

•Ajmodi Choorn

•Lavan Bhaskar Choorn

•Yamani Khandav Choorn

•Sarpagandha Choorn

•Sitopaladi Choorn

•Sudarshan Choorn

•Hingvastak Choorn

•Triphla Choorn

•Chaturbhuja Choorn

•Darshan Sanskar Choorn

•Agnimukh Choorn

•Eladi Choorn

•Chitrakadi Vati

•Sarswatadi Vati

•Chandnadi Vati

•Dadimashtak Choorn

•Amalkyadi Choorn

•SpringYadi Choorn

•Pipalyadi Choorn

•Pushyanug Choorn

•Lavangadi Choorn

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